Diving Log 6.0.25 released

May 29th, 2022

The latest Diving Log update is now available for download and via automatic update function. These are the new features:

  • StatisticCharts: Right click on data value > Show Dives
  • 2 new Widgets (Slideshow + Certifications)
  • Logbook dive time: Option to show in mm:ss
  • Logbook Cursor Line improved
  • Map trip overlay: dives not included are shown with alternate flag image
  • Oceanlog Import: Support for encrypted logbooks
  • Image Viewer: Set current image as main window background
  • Windows Share Dialog Support

Statistic Charts:

You can now right click any data point in the charts to view the dives which fit to this specific data value. E.g. when you right click the “September” bar in the month chart, you can view all dives which occurred in September:

Right click > Show Dives in September

For line and area charts you have to enable the markers and click exactly the marker point to get the context menu:

Activate markers for line and area charts

New Widgets:

Yeah, after all those years since the introduction of widgets in version 6.0.0, I’ve finally added two new widget types for the main window: Slideshow and Certifications. So you can now add your brevet image (front or back) and your favourite photos to the main window:

New Widgets

Dive Time [mm:ss]:

You can now enable an option to show the dive time in all windows in minutes and seconds. Up to now only free dives (apnea) where shown in seconds, but now you can enable that also for longer scuba dives, if you want:

Option for minutes:seconds dive time

Logbook Cursor Line:

The red cursor line in the logbook window now shows the current values on the left and bottom edge (yellow background color):

Cursor line improvements

Native Share support:

Diving Log supports now the native Share dialog from Windows 10 and 11. You can share images from the Image Viewer, dive profiles and photos from the logbook window and the logbook file from the main file menu:

Share image to another app

Share Dive

Share Logbook

Diving Log for Android Update

April 5th, 2022

I’m happy to announce another update for the Android app of Diving Log and also the availability in the HUAWEI AppGallery! Here are the improvements and new features in this update, also shown in some screenshots below.

Available on Google Play

Explore it on AppGallery

  • Jump List for Dives
  • Profile Cursor Line
  • Profile Measure Function
  • Profile Bookmark Editing
  • Share & Save Profile Picture
  • Share & Save Logbook Images
  • OSTC support for BLE Hardware
  • Tablet UI Improvements
  • OpenStreetMap as replacement on Huawei devices

Huawei was very helpful and dedicated bringing Diving Log to their app store. Because of missing Google functionality, I had to replace Google Maps with OpenStreetMap, but all other features are identical.

You can now open a panel to quickly navigate to a certain dive number. This is a lot easier than scrolling a long list of dives, even though there is fast scrolling at the right edge of the list:

Open Jump List

Quickly jump to dive

In the dive profile, you can move your finger to scroll a red cursor line. When the line is over a bookmark or gas switch, it will show up. You can also use this cursor to add a new bookmark at the cursor position. You can also save the profile picture to the picture gallery or share it to another app. Profile measuring is also available in the “Options” menu:

Profile Cursor & Share Picture

Profile Measure

To edit or delete an existing bookmark, simply tap on it. Other pictures in the logbook can be also saved to the gallery or shared to other apps:

Add & Edit Bookmarks

Share & Save Picture to Gallery

And last but not least, finally some more tablet improvements. The details list and details data screens are now merged together on large screen devices:

Tablet users will be happy about this

OneDrive and Google Drive sync in Android app

March 3rd, 2022

I’m happy to announce OneDrive and Google Drive support in Diving Log for Android in addition to Dropbox! Syncing with the PC or iOS apps is now much easier.

When using Google Drive, you have to upload from the Android app to the cloud at the first time. This is because the app can only access files which it created. After the first upload from the Android app, you can overwrite the existing file from the PC version and the app can still access the file.

Version 5.1 is now available on Google Play:

Available on Google Play

OneDrive Sync

Google Drive Sync

Diving Log 6.0.24 released

January 26th, 2022

A new update for Diving Log 6.0 is now available for download. I’ve added a bunch of bigger and minor new features as well as some bug fixes:

  • Logbook: Equipment Sets
  • Logbook: User Defined fields dropdown lists
  • Logbook: Show profile context menu with single touch
  • Logbook: Focus dive list after window startup
  • Logbook: Create subtitles for videos
  • Logbook: Slideshow memory leak fixed
  • Map: View dive sites from dive trip
  • Map: Option to show sites without dives with different flag
  • Marine Life: Copy & Paste to other dives
  • Marine Life: EOL import update existing entries
  • Marine Life: Search across all fields
  • Android USB Sync: Device recognition fixed
  • Downloader: Crest CR-4, Genesis Centauri, Tusa TC1

Here I want to show you some of the new features:

Equipment Sets:

I think this was one of the most and longest requested feature and I’m happy that it is finally available. You can now easily group your equipment items in sets and use them to quickly check the equipment items you’ve used for a dive. You can select more than one set without clearing the previous selection.

Equipment Sets

User Defined Fields:

You can now easily select previous entries in the user defined fields from the new dropdown lists:

User defined dropdowns

Copy and paste marine life:

You can now transfer selected marine life with copy and paste from one dive to another, which is a lot faster than manually selecting your sightings for every dive:

Copy and paste marine life

Dive sites from trip:

You can now quickly view and navigate to all dive sites from a specific trip in the map window. They can be overlayed with a polygon in two ways, as border or chronological (best suited for liveaboards). There is now also an option to show dive sites without dives in a different color or transparent:

Dive sites grouped by trip

Chronological order for liveaboards

Video Subtitles:

You can right click video files from dives and automatically create subtitle files, which show depth, time and temperature in video players like VLC. Subitles will be saved as separate file in the same location as the video, so your video files won’t be modified and you can delete subtitles again. In order to get this working, the date and time of the camera has to be in sync with the dive computer date/time. You can manually set the date/time of the video from the same context menu:

Dive data subtitles in video files

Import from EOL into existing items:

If you’ve manually added marine life items, you can now update them with data from EOL.org. Only empty fields will be filled with EOL data and links to dives will be preserved that way:

EOL import

Other changes and fixes:

Tapping profiles on touch screens will now open the context menu to quickly change the profile type. The dive list is now focused when the logbook window opens, so you can start navigating the dives with the cursor keys on your keyboard. The photo slideshow in the logbook will now work properly with lots of images. Previously a memory leak made it stop working after viewing several images. If you’ve had problems with the Android USB sync device recognition, please try it again in this version. And the downloader got some new device support as well.

Diving Log 6.0.23 released

November 11th, 2021

I’ve released a small cumulative update with some bug fixes and minor improvements for Diving Log 6.0:

  • Android 11 USB Sync Support
  • Divesoft AI Support
  • Mares Genius Firmware 01.02 Support
  • Garmin Import Improvements
  • Downloader: Cressi Neon, Deep Six Excursion
  • XML Export: Profile 4 & 5, Trip, Shop, Marine Life & Additional Tanks
  • .NET Framework Version Check

Android – changes to logbook storage location

October 26th, 2021

Version 5.0.0 of Diving Log for Android has been released, which now targets Android 11, as required by Google. This has been a challenging release, because Android 11 does not allow apps access to the general file system anymore. Up to now, Diving Log stored the logbook files in the “Diving Log” folder in the root of the device. This folder was not deleted when the app was uninstalled, so your logbook files were not deleted either.

Android 11 requires storing all data within the internal app folder, which is deleted when the app is uninstalled. So, this requires some strategy to avoid accidentally data loss, e.g. when a user temporarily uninstalls the app because something doesn’t work.

Previous logbook location

New logbook location


When you update from a previous version of Diving Log, you do not have to do anything. Diving Log will migrate all logbooks to the internal folder and automatically backup the logbooks from time to time to the former external “Diving Log” folder (which won’t be deleted). A “!!!FolderMoved!!!.txt” file is created in the old folder as indicator, which contains the path to the new folder.

Once you do a fresh install of the app, you have to manually select a backup folder to avoid deletion of your logbooks during uninstall. You can do this from the start screen shown below. You can also restore your logbooks from a previous backup folder. You can later configure the automatic backup in the app settings screen:

Start screen with backup and restore options

Configure backup in settings

Tip: You can select the backup folder on a removable SD Card, because you can easily retrieve the card even when the device does not boot anymore. Please remember, this automatic backup is still only locally on your device! So, if your Android device is lost or damaged, it won’t help you. Additionally, you should backup your logbook to the cloud or a PC.

Diving Log 6.0 can handle both logbook locations, so USB synchronization will work, no matter which Android app version you have.

You can see the current logbook location at the top of the “Logbook Management” screen. You can also use this screen to import any backups into the internal app logbook folder, if you’ve dismissed the start screen restore function:

Logbook storage path

Import backup files

Diving Log for Android Update

July 1st, 2021

There is a new update for Diving Log for Android available with the following new features:

  • Profile Options (Grid, Average, Labels)
  • New Profiles (Tank Pressure 1-3 & Calculated, SAC, Warning Lines)
  • Downloader: Suunto EON Steel Black, Sherwood Amphos 2.0, Sporasub SP2

Profile Options

Profile Types

Diving Log 6.0.22 released

June 9th, 2021

I’m happy to announce a huge update to photos in Diving Log. Because this is not only about photos anymore, the section in the logbook window is now named “Media”. You can now add any file type and even online photos and YouTube videos directly to your dives. Here are the new features in this update:

  • Relative photo path names option
  • Add online photos and YouTube videos to dives
  • Add videos and other file types to dives
  • Photo Slideshow
  • Photos drag & drop support
  • Photos logbook context menu
  • .heic image format support
  • Use correct image rotation based on Exif data
  • Show photos in profile
  • Photo Manager improvements
  • Rotation buttons in Image Viewer
  • iCloud Sync in Web menu
  • Downloader: Suunto EON Steel Black, Sherwood Amphos 2.0, Sporasub SP2

I’ve linked the first two items to a more detailed description page. In a nutshell, you now have the choice of absolute (default) or relative path names for any file you link in your logbook. In addition, you can add image and YouTube URL’s to your dives. And you can add any file type from your PC, e.g. videos, Word or PDF documents. And there is a new photo slideshow function:

Add links and other files to your dives

You can drag and drop files from Explorer or the web browser to the thumbnail list in the logbook window and to the image field in the details windows (e.g. dive sites, etc). There is a new context menu in the thumbnail list and the .heic image format used by iPhones is now supported by Diving Log.

Photos with rotation information in the Exif data are now displayed in the correct orientation. And if your underwater camera date/time setting is synchronized with the date/time from the dive computer, the photos and videos are shown in the dive profile, so you can see exactly where you’ve captured them:

See where you’ve captured a photo or video

Photo Manager got some great improvements as well: it will now show you all images from all sections in your logbook file. And you can switch between absolute and relative path names for all selected images with one click:

Switch between absolute & relative path names

The integrated image viewer in Diving Log got rotation buttons (just for display, the file won’t be rotated or modified in any way). In the “Web” toolbar menu in the main window you will find a new entry for iCloud synchronization. And the downloader supports now a few more dive computers as well: thanks to Jef Driesen from libdivecomputer.

Diving Log for Android Update

April 7th, 2021

I’ve updated Diving Log for Android with the following new features:

  • Dive Site Coordinates: Format Setting
  • Dive Site Coordinates: Improved Input Panel
  • Google Maps Window: Add new dive site
  • Sort & Renumber dives
  • Downloader: McLean Extreme BLE Support
  • Downloader: Ratio 2021 Models BLE Support
  • Downloader: Sherwood Beacon
  • 10″ Tablet UI Improvements

Coordinate Format

Coordinate Edit Panel

Add new dive site

Drag new place pin to position

Renumber Dives

Renumber Options

I’ve also done some improvements to the 10″ tablet user interface (more improvements will come in the future):

Main menu permanently shown on large tablets

New dive list on logbooks screen

Diving Log 6.0.21 released

March 13th, 2021

A new update for Diving Log 6.0 is now available. If the integrated update function does not report an update, a security software is blocking Diving Log from accessing the internet. In this case download and install the setup just normally from the website. In this update a lot of things has changed behind the scenes as I’ve switched the development system to a newer version, upgraded from .NET Framework 4.5 to 4.6.2 and integrated the latest Windows 10 API’s. This is the full changelog:

  • Equipment service notifications on Windows 10
  • Libdivecomputer Update (Mares Horizon, Ratio 2021 Models, Sherwood Beacon, McLean Extreme BLE)
  • Cressi UCI Import
  • LogTrak & Shearwater Cloud import improvements
  • Logbook Equipment ‘Select all’ only active items
  • Manual date editing in details window improved
  • Switch to .NET Framework 4.6.2

The new development system and .NET Framework version allows me now to integrate more Windows 10 API’s directly into the main application. One of the noticeable features are the new equipment service notifications, which is using the native Windows 10 notifications system:

Equipment service notification

Notification Center

You can configure and disable the notifications in the Diving Log settings dialog (menu File > Preferences, or by clicking on the button in the notification):

Configure or disable notifications

Notifications are also scheduled for future service dates, so theoretically they should pop up even without starting Diving Log. Unfortunately, Windows is clearing all schedules when a PC is fully shut down. The Bluetooth LE downloader is also using now a slightly newer API, thanks to the underlying changes I’ve made.