Posts Tagged ‘Diving Log 4.0’

New beta versions of importers

Saturday, August 29th, 2009

You can download a bunch of new converted .NET importers in order to beta test them. They all contain the new “import into existing dives” feature and are the ones that will be included in Diving Log 5.0. The converted importers are: Uwatec DataTrak, SmartTrak, Mares IRIS/DRAK, DCDS 2000, Suunto DM 2.x/3.x, Oceanlog 1.x/2.x and PC LogBook.

Update: These importers are now also included: Delta P ProDive/ProLink, ReefNet Sensus Manager and Citizen Aqualand.

This update contains also the new Seiko DiveLogbook, ReefLog and MacDive importers, the new Memomouse downloader and uploader. It is available in English and German and will update also the main Diving Log 4.0 program file. Click one of the following download links and extract the zip file into your Diving Log 4.0 program folder:

The new importers are available in the vertical menu on the left side. In the main menu bar (menu File > Import) are still the old importers available in the case you have problems with the new ones.

Please report any bugs or problems. The imported dive data should match with the data from the old importers, so you should not see any difference.

Direct divelogs website upload

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

Rainer Mohr from divelogs created an API plugin for Diving Log which enables direct uploading dives from Diving Log to divelogs. Up to now you had to export your dives first to UDCF and then upload the file in the divelogs web interface. But due to the UDCF format not all possible logbook data could be uploaded. The new direct upload is much more easy and quicker. Please click here  to download the new upload tool. Extract this zip file into the Diving Log program folder. To start the upload you must either click the “Exporter.exe” file (or create a shortcut on your desktop) or you can add the Exporter.exe into the Tools menu of Diving Log. With the next Diving Log update the upload will be integrated into Diving Log.

UPDATE July 6th: I’ve updated the uploader today to support multi user scenarios and fixed one possible bug. Simply uncheck the “Save Login Information” checkbox to get a login dialog each time. upload upload

Tools menu

Tools menu

Diving Log 4.0 – MacDive Import

Monday, May 18th, 2009

I’ve created a native import for MacDive logbook files which is especially useful for Diving Log users on the Mac (inside a virtual machine). In this way you can better share your data between MacDive and Diving Log. I’ve also updated my UDCF import and made it compatible with UDCF files created by MacDive. Click here to download the new importer. Extract it into the Diving Log program folder (make sure you have Diving Log 4.0.13 installed first). To start the native MacDive import you must currently double click the Importer.exe file, because it is not yet integrated into Diving Log.


Diving Log 4.0 – Update

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

Diving Log 4.0.13 and Diving Log 4.5 for Windows Mobile has been released. This is only a minor update and contains mainly the patches and updates released during the past 4 month and the new sync function for Windows Mobile.

So if you have already installed all updates or the changes (see change log) are not useful for you, you don’t necessarily have to update to this version. It targets mainly new users or if you want to install Diving Log on a new computer, thus you don’t have to apply all updates. I’ve removed the old minor update downloads to avoid overwriting newer files with old ones. If you want to use the new Windows Mobile sync function, please make sure you read the release notes.