Posts Tagged ‘Beta’

Bluetooth LE Download Support (Beta)

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019

I have a new beta version of Diving Log 6.0 with Bluetooth LE download support. If you have one of these BLE dive computers:

  • Shearwater Perdix AI, Teric, Nerd 2
  • Scubapro Aladin Sport Matrix, Aladin H Matrix, G2
  • Suunto EON Core, EON Steel
  • Heinrichs Weikamp OSTC 2, OSTC 4, OSTC Plus, OSTC Sport

download this zip file and copy the content into your Diving Log 6.0 program folder.

If you have one of these Mares computers with Bluelink:

  • Mares Smart, Smart Apnea, Smart Air, Quad, Quad Air, Puck Pro

download this zip file and copy the content into your Diving Log 6.0 program folder.

Start Diving Log, open the downloader and select your dive computer. If you see the “Port” dropdown, make sure “BLE” is selected. Enable also “Log Errors”:

Bluetooth LE Download

Make sure the dive computer is as close as possible next to your Bluetooth receiver and the dive computer is in Bluetooth mode, then try to download. If it does not work, send me the error log by clicking the blue “Error Log” link which will show up. If it works, please let me also know (email or comments).

When you click on “Discover”, you will see the paired and unpaired devices. If you have more than one paired dive computer of the same manufacturer, you have to click “Discover” to pick the right one.

Diving Log beta update 2

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

I’ve updated the latest beta version with some new features and improvements:

  • Profile Bookmarks
  • Dutch localization completed
  • Spanish localization completed
  • Finnish localization completed
  • Japanese localization completed

You can download the latest beta version from the same location as the previous beta:

If you’ve downloaded the full installer, you can either overwrite your existing Diving Log installation or use it as new installation on a test system. If you’ve downloaded the zip file, please make sure you’ve already installed the latest version 6.0.13. Then copy the content of the zip file into the existing Diving Log program folder, overwriting the existing files.

New: Profile Bookmarks:

You can now add, edit and delete profile bookmarks at any location in the profile. Just right click on the profile to add a bookmark on this position, or right/left click an existing bookmark to edit or delete it:

Profile Bookmarks

Diving Log beta update

Tuesday, August 21st, 2018

I’ve updated the latest beta version with some new features and improvements:

You can download the latest beta version (6.0.13 Update 3) from the same location as the previous beta:

If you’ve downloaded the full installer, you can either overwrite your existing Diving Log installation or use it as new installation on a test system. If you’ve downloaded the zip file, please make sure you’ve already installed the latest version 6.0.13. Then copy the content of the zip file into the existing Diving Log program folder, overwriting the existing files.

New: Apnea Dives:

Diving Log shows the dive time for scuba dives in full minutes. When a dive is shorter than 5 minutes, Diving Log will automatically switch to minutes:seconds (mm:ss), which is better for apnea (free) dives. The dive profile will show the x-axis in seconds instead of minutes. You can enter dives shorter than 5 minutes in mm:ss format or as decimal value (e.g. 0.5 = 30 seconds).

Divetime in mm:ss

Profile x-axis in seconds

New public beta version available

Monday, August 13th, 2018

I’m excited to announce the public beta of the next update for Diving Log 6.0, which you can download today. This update has a lot of new features which require a logbook database update, so please make sure to backup your logbook before downloading this update! Once you’ve backed up your logbook, you can either download a full installer or just a zip file, which you can extract into your existing Diving Log 6.0.13 program folder:

If you’ve downloaded the full installer, you can either overwrite your existing Diving Log installation or use it as new installation on a test system. If you’ve downloaded the zip file, please make sure you’ve already installed the latest version 6.0.13. Then copy the content of the zip file into the existing Diving Log program folder, overwriting the existing files.

If you’re interested in translating the new features to your language (other than English and German), please contact me.

What’s new?

  • Marine Life Management
  • Marine Life Import from Encyclopedia of Life
  • Marine Life Print & Table Editor support
  • Marine Life Sightings in Logbook Window
  • Marine Life in Tree Browser
  • New Logbook fields: Desaturation, No Fly & Scrubber Time
  • New Logbook field options: Water Type (Chlorinated), Entry Type (Pool, Aquarium, Jetty, Ice) & Supply Type (PSCR, Sidemount, Surface)
  • Extended Layout has been updated for the new fields
  • High Resolution Signature support
  • Dive Stamp in Logbook & User Information
  • Medical Statement in User Information
  • Shearwater Desktop Import improvements
  • Facebook Share Dialog fixed

Here you can see some screenshots of the new features:

Marine Life

EOL Import

Dive stamp, sightings & 3 time fields

New field options

New Tank & Gas options

Personal stamp & medical statement

Better Signature

Beta version update

Saturday, April 25th, 2015

I’ve just released the 2nd update since the beta version went public a week ago. So far the beta version is very stable and I received just some minor bug reports, so I could spend most of the week adding missing features to Diving Log 6.0. Btw, the auto updater works perfectly, so updating Diving Log is now fast and easy (click “Help > Check for updates” to start the update process manually).

In this blog post I want to show you 3 minor improvements, which I added lately. First, you can now switch the 3rd profile graphic (warnings and gas switches) to any other profile graphic:

Three profile graphics

Three profile graphics

I’ve also added the ribbon application menu in the latest beta, which contains the most important functions from the main window. That way, you can launch other functions right from the logbook window and even switch logbook files, without going back to the main window. This is especially useful on small devices where the logbook window is likely maximized and hiding the main window.

Ribbon Menu

New ribbon menu

In the user information window, you can now sort your certifications either by date (as before) or by name. You can also hide the thumbnails, if you want:

User certifications

User certifications

Diving Log 6.0 – Public Beta

Saturday, April 18th, 2015

I know some of you are eagerly waiting for the first public beta and today you can finally download it. If you want to test it, go to the beta portal, read the release notes and download the installer to your PC. You can install it side-by-side with version 5.0 and switch back and forth between both versions, which is especially useful for features which are currently missing in 6.0 beta.

For the first time, Diving Log has an automatic update tool, which means you don’t have to download and install updates manually. The beta will check every day (only when you launch it, no background updater) if there is an update and ask you to download and install it automatically:

New update available

New update available

Update is downloaded

Update is downloaded

Let me know what you think of version 6.0, what you like, what you don’t like, how you feel about the performance compared to version 5.0. You can use email, the beta forum, Facebook, Twitter or comments in this blog. I will update the beta regularly to fix bugs and add missing features from version 5.0.


New beta version now available

Monday, March 31st, 2014

You can download a new beta version today:

The beta contains the following new features:

If you find any problems or bugs, please let me know. Diving Log requires now the .NET Framework 3.5, which is already included in Windows 7. For Windows 8 it will be installed automatically. For Windows XP you have to install it manually.

Logbook Filter and more

Saturday, April 21st, 2012

Today you can download a new beta version with some great new features:

  • New filter function for all output windows
  • vCard import for buddy details
  • UDDF 3.x import support
  • HeinrichsWeikamp Frog download support
  • Several bug fixes and other minor improvements

With the new filter window, you can create filters for any output window (logbook, details data, table editor, dive site map, statistics, printing and exports). Filters allow you to view, export or print only a subset of your logbook data, based on any criteria you want. For example, you can now view the statistics just for one year or just for your rebreather dives. You can export or print only dives where you’ve dived with just one particular buddy. Or you can view in the map window only dive sites, which are deeper than 30 m and with a rating of 5 stars (just an example).

To create a filter, click the new filter icon you’ll find now in most toolbars:

Logbook Filter

Statistics Filter

Export Filter

Then you will see on the right side of the current window the new filter toolbox, where you can add with “AND/OR” any number of criteria for every database field. As soon as you add, edit or delete filters, you can see the results live in the output window.

Filter Toolbox

Edit Filter

To edit a filter row, just double click it or hit the edit button in the toolbar. That way you can easily refine your filter until you get the data you want. You can save your filter to a file and reload it later on. You can also exchange filters between identical database tables, e.g. between statistics, logbook and table window or between dive site details and dive site map.

vCard Import: In the Buddy details you can import now vCard files, which can be created by most contact and email applications and webmail apps:

vCard Import

Click here to download the update beta setup file. This is an update from the current version 5.0.6. If you have an older version than 5.0.6, please update first to 5.0.6 and then install the beta update. Please let me know how you like the new filter function, if it works for you or if you see any crashes or bugs. The filter function integrates deeply into many parts of the application, so I want to make sure I’ve not broken any existing functionality.


Support for new frog dive computer

Thursday, February 16th, 2012

I’ve completed a small Diving Log intermediate update with the following new features:

To get the update, download this zip file and extract it into the Diving Log 5.0.6 program folder.

Diving Log intermediate update 2

Saturday, November 19th, 2011

Today you can download another update, which brings some great new features:

  • Gas switch profile for printing
  • Signature support
  • Automatic update check
  • Improved DiveSystem + Liquivision imports
  • Many small improvements and bug fixes

You can now add the gas switch and warning graphic to your print layout using the report designer. Just double click in the report designer any existing profile or add a new profile and change the type to “Gas” or “Warning”. You may also want to adjust the FontScale property and disable the axis labels.

Gas switch + warning lines in the report designer

Your buddies can now sign your dives on the PC in the signature window using the mouse, a touch screen or a pen. It works best with a special pen for touchscreens, but you can also use your finger and if you don’t have a touchscreen you can use the mouse to create a graphical signature. Just click the signature control in the logbook window to open a resizable popup window and sign this dive.

Click on the signature control... sign a dive with your finger, pen or mouse

Diving Log checks now every 30 days if there is an update available and notifies you on startup. If you don’t want this automatic check, you can disable it in the update check window (menu Help > Check for Updates). Only official updates will show up, so beta updates like this one won’t be recognized. This function is mainly to avoid people using really old versions. Those of you reading this blog probably won’t ever see this update notification, because you update before the next check anyways. But I recommend that you keep this setting enabled.

Update available

Here you can disable automatic updates

Before you download this update, make sure you have already version 5.0.5 installed, otherwise update first to that version. Then download this zip file and extract it into the Diving Log program folder (this is not an installer, just copy the content of the zip file into the Diving Log folder).