Posts Tagged ‘Update Check’

Diving Log 5.0.8 released

Wednesday, November 7th, 2012

Diving Log 5.0.8 is now released and can be downloaded here. Please note: you can install the update setup only if you have version 5.0.7 or the latest beta. If you have an older version, please install the full setup instead. These are the new features:

Some of the new features were already shown in recent blog posts and are linked above. Here are some new additions:

Android SCUBALog export: I’m trying to provide some more options and choice for Android users by cooperating with other app developers and I’m glad that the first one is now available. You can export your data to the Android app “SCUBALog” (import is planned in the future). You’ll find an app switcher in the Android sync dialog where you can change the data format.

The app switcher is in the top right corner

Equipment weight calculation: You could enter the weight of each equipment item for some time in Diving Log, but up to now nothing was done with this information. But now you can select any number of items in the list and the overall weight is calculated at the bottom. This is useful when preparing for a vacation, for example. Additionally you can see the weight of all checked equipment items in the logbook per dive.

Equipment weight sum of all selected items at the bottom

Weight sum of all checked items of a dive

Skype integration: I’m sure many of you use Skype and now you can call a phone number right from your logbook by clicking the little Skype icon behind a number in the buddy and shop dialog. This works with the Skype desktop app, but also with the new Skype app for Windows 8. Make sure to enter the country code for each number if you want to use this feature, otherwise Skype seems to have problems. If you want to use your mobile phone, you can scan the QR code to quickly call that number.

Skype icon behind the phone number

Diving Log intermediate update 2

Saturday, November 19th, 2011

Today you can download another update, which brings some great new features:

  • Gas switch profile for printing
  • Signature support
  • Automatic update check
  • Improved DiveSystem + Liquivision imports
  • Many small improvements and bug fixes

You can now add the gas switch and warning graphic to your print layout using the report designer. Just double click in the report designer any existing profile or add a new profile and change the type to “Gas” or “Warning”. You may also want to adjust the FontScale property and disable the axis labels.

Gas switch + warning lines in the report designer

Your buddies can now sign your dives on the PC in the signature window using the mouse, a touch screen or a pen. It works best with a special pen for touchscreens, but you can also use your finger and if you don’t have a touchscreen you can use the mouse to create a graphical signature. Just click the signature control in the logbook window to open a resizable popup window and sign this dive.

Click on the signature control... sign a dive with your finger, pen or mouse

Diving Log checks now every 30 days if there is an update available and notifies you on startup. If you don’t want this automatic check, you can disable it in the update check window (menu Help > Check for Updates). Only official updates will show up, so beta updates like this one won’t be recognized. This function is mainly to avoid people using really old versions. Those of you reading this blog probably won’t ever see this update notification, because you update before the next check anyways. But I recommend that you keep this setting enabled.

Update available

Here you can disable automatic updates

Before you download this update, make sure you have already version 5.0.5 installed, otherwise update first to that version. Then download this zip file and extract it into the Diving Log program folder (this is not an installer, just copy the content of the zip file into the Diving Log folder).

Diving Log 5.0 RC2 is near

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

So, I’m a little bit behind my schedule – normally the release candidate 2 should be already released – but I’m very close. I uploaded new zip files and uploaded also an updated setup, both are almost RC 2, but I want to fine tune some more things first. German users will notice that the latest version is almost completely localized, which means that I can soon send the localization file to the other translators and those languages will be hopefully finish in the near future.

If you are still running RC1 bits, I highly recommend that you update to the latest version, because RC1 will stop running end of this month. The current build will run until end of March.

Other new features in the latest update are the update check function and the compass display in the logbook window. You must currently drag the compass from the layout toolbox, because there is no finish layout yet included in the setup. The compass will work at the moment only for Uwatec Galileo users, because you can’t yet set the course manually. Please note also that the update check does not show you every minor update during this time. It is more intended for the final release, not for the beta period.

Update Check

Compass Display