Weight suggestion

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Joined: Sat Jun 29, 2024 02:56

Weight suggestion

Post by Tait »

I am starting to track my personal weight in the comments section. I am trying to maintain a log of personal weight compared to weight I require to dive with proper buoyancy. What I am trying to do is create a long term data set so I can quickly formulate what weight I need based on personal weight, wetsuit I wear, tank I use and water type. Not sure how easy it is to add a field for personal weight or if I am the only one that tracks this. If I am, then please ignore this request. Thanks
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Location: Darmstadt

Re: Weight suggestion

Post by RobOtter »

Interesting idea - I recommend using one of the 10 user fields to store the data (you can even rename the fields to your own liking).
What is then missing of course is a function to let DL calculate the needed weight, but maybe Sven considers this if more people second your request.
Personally, I do not feel the need for that as many more parameters would come into play for a proper result that would also need to be recorded every time, and nor would I myself be willing, neither be able, to track such data. Therefor, I am relying on previous experience in similar cases (which I can remember). This is sufficient (for me), as my personal weight luckily is not changing that much.

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