On this page you can see how to unlock the full version of Diving Log. You can either enter your Diving Log 6.0 unlock code directly, or update from version 5.0:
Enter Diving Log 6.0 unlock code
Please open the “Help” menu and click on “Enter your registration data”:
Enter your name and code exactly as written in your order email. I recommend to copy and paste your name and code to avoid any errors. Please note that your name is case sensitive. If you’ve lost your unlock code, click on the link at the bottom of the window (or here). Click on “OK” to save the information:
Update from Diving Log 5.0
Please open the “Help” menu and click on “Enter your registration data”. If your 5.0 code is already stored on this PC, the dialog will open automatically when you start Diving Log 6.0:
Open the 2nd tab and enter your Diving Log 5.0 code. If your 5.0 code is already stored on this PC, your code is already filled in. Click on “Next >” to proceed:
In some rare cases, it is required to enter the email address, which you’ve used during your order. Select the 2nd part of your email from the dropdown list and complete the first part. But most users won’t see this step:
If you’re eligible for a free update, your Diving Log 6.0 key will be automatically created and stored on the PC. Diving Log is now unlocked to the full version. If your 5.0 purchase is a little longer ago, there is a small update fee. Please click on one of the payment buttons to proceed. I want to thank you in advance for your support!
Enter unlock code in Android app
Open the app main menu and tap on “In-App Purchase” > “Enter Unlock Code”: