New updates for Windows & Android are now available with the following new features and improvements:
- Downloader: Cressi Nepto, Leonardo 2.0 + Aqualung i100
- Downloader: template dive
- Downloader: sync time
- Downloader: import position
- Import Garmin: improvements
- Import Paralenz: GPS support
- Profile Compare bug fix
- Downloader: Cressi Nepto, Leonardo 2.0 + Aqualung i100
- Pictures low resolution bug fix
The template dive function in the downloader, which was recently added to the Android app, is now also available on Windows. This allows you to select a template dive which will be copied and used as base which will be overwritten with data from the dive computer:
The downloader on Windows can now sync your PC time to your dive computer as well as download GPS information, if your dive computer supports this functionality:
Tags: Download, Downloader, Import